Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Stacy Antoville
Democracy Now Final Lesson Plan

Should Art ever be censored?

Review Agenda
Students will watch and read several articles about artistic censorship and discuss it.
Students will then write a persuasive essay in reaction to the Pussy Riot incident.
Students will work in small groups to create an art work that expresses their opinions of censorship.

Do Now-

Read the poem that I hand out to them as they are walking into class. Make notes on any words or phrases you either don’t understand or find interesting.


Students will understand the differences in living under different governments specifically in reference to art.
Students will observe and discuss examples of art created under restrictive governments.
Students will write a persuasive essay in reaction to the Pussy Riot incident.
Students will create a piece of art that expresses they opinion about the incident.

Mini Lesson-

-First amendment.
-History of government controlling censorship
-show examples of Cildo Merireles and Eugenio Dittborn
-show DN clip
-Students read Atlantic article
-Class discussion on censorship.
            What is the difference between governments who censor and those who don’t?
            What rights might people living under those different governments have and not have?           
            How do artists respond to conditions when they have limited freedom of speech?
            What do artists living under a strict government have to do differently than those with more freedom?
            Have you ever seen art that needed to be censored?
            How do you think the media is covering the Pussy Riot story in Russia?

Independent Practice/ Group Work
Students will write a persuasive essay agreeing or disagreeing with the decision Putin made to jail Pussy Riot for 2 years.
Students will have a list of questions to answer from.

Students will work in small groups to create an art work that expresses how they feel about the Pussy Riot incident.
Students will have examples to reference and be made aware of all the materials available to them.

Students will share their final projects with the rest of the class.



  1. Thanks for posting, Stacy! I just wanted to send you this link about Pussy Riot from Al Jazeera. It's a pretty exhaustive article with lots of links, and it might be a good resource only in that it has some viewpoints that I certainly hadn't considered. I don't necessarily agree with them, but it frames the issue in different contexts and it also talks extensively about media coverage of this controversy.

  2. Thanks for the article Amal. Very interesting and cool to see a different view.

  3. Stacy,

    You no doubt incorporated various types of texts here in this lesson. This topic gets them to think about our society in a broad way and this definitely would appeal to my students, too!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

