Friday, November 30, 2012

Media Critique Question Sheet for Media Analysis

 Media Critique Question Sheet for Media Analysis

Key Questions for Analyzing Media Messages
Mainstream News
Democracy Now! Clip
1. Who are the people shown? (note race, gender, age, ethnicity, class, occupation, etc.)

2. Who is left out?

3. Whose voice drives the story?

4. What kinds of visuals accompany the stories and the portrayals of individuals and events?

5. How much time is given to speaker/story and how was time used?

6. Who might benefit from the clip?

7. Who might be harmed? 

8. Whose interests are being served?

9. What is my interpretation of this, and what do I learn about myself from my reaction or interpretation? Does it reflect my experience?

10. What impact does the clip have on me as a viewer?


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