Monday, August 29, 2016

Democracy Now! Summer 2016 Professional Development: Final

For your final: Choose a topic you would like to develop a lesson plan for related to your particular
teaching discipline. It could be a topic you already teach but want to design a new lesson plan for, or it could be a new topic you would like to integrate into your curriculum. Gather 3-5 articles, Democracy Now! Clips/transcripts, mains stream news clips and class activities that you think could relate to the topic.

--Who is the lesson’s target population and how does it address this population’s specific needs?
--What is the lesson’s intention--what will it achieve?
--How will you assess that students “got it”?

Be prepared to present your lesson on your presentation day. You will have 45 minutes to present it to the group. Afterward you will get feedback from the group on your lesson. This feedback will be given to you in writing. For your final grade you need to take the feedback you received on your lesson into consideration, revise your lesson if necessary and upload it onto our class blog.

Know Your Media! Blog How-To:

We will help you to get your final lesson on the blog if you have trouble.

The final should have:
Unit Title:
Unit Essential Questions:
Grade Level:
Subject/Topic Areas(s):
Time Frame:
Objective - Students will understand/ be able to:
Common Core Standards:
Media Literacy strategy
Democracy Now! Clip or transcript
Other media

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