Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DN! Lesson Plan Protocol and Template: Each DN! lesson should include at least one DN! clip or transcript and should be well written and spelled checked. Whenever possible it should include a media literacy component. It should show sound reflection and pedagogical merit.

There are two types of school lesson plans we hope to post on the DN! Education site.
I. A  Full Lesson, which is a complete, detailed lesson plan tied to DN! clips and including novel activities for students as outlined below. The Tar Sands XL Pipeline and/or Hunger Games unit are examples par excellence.

II. The Basic Lesson also links to one or more DN! clips, but is a less full-blown lesson. It could be as brief as 10 minutes long and used by teacher to warm up students towards a particular unit. It could nonetheless include a link to one of our already existing resources as a lesson aid or handout. For instance, videos which feature on-air debates are perfectly suited for the “Up for Debate” handout.

Each DN! daily lesson should follow the following protocol. Please see outline below. At times these lessons shall be developed into units other times they remain as brief lessons. Not every lesson will include all the items listed.

* Please feel free to add to and/or improve on the lesson. If there are elements in the lesson that are interesting, but not necessary, please paste them under the extensions
section so they don’t get lost. Feel free to suggest improvements to this rubric at any time.
• Please write your additions in another color than black.

Full Lesson Plan Template
DN! Daily Lesson: give date and title

Grade Level:

Overview – Provide a synopsis of the lesson here. Introduce it in an entertaining or interesting way, preferably with essential questions. Then, beginning with “In this lesson…” explain the context, detail how it would interest students, give a short summary of the lesson’s contents, and describe the video clip/resource.

Objective/Goal– What is the purpose of this lesson? Begin with “Students will…” Eg, “Students will use historical evidence to make an argument for or against celebrating Columbus day.”

Materials  List the materials necessary for this lesson. Include any printouts or equipment needed.

Sources: links to readings or sites where educator can get more information in preparation of the lesson, or print out texts for students to read. Also links to video clips students are going to watch or teacher will show in class.

Warm Up/Do Now – Describe how the lesson will begin. What will pique students’ interest? How will the teacher introduce the topic in an engaging way? Perhaps a short video clip will begin the lesson.  A brief reflection on the topic, ie. a few questions posed to get students thinking about the topic works too.

Reading and Viewing – (text available at end of lesson) Here paste link to video clip and/or reading. Also include where the clip begins and ends in minutes on the show timeline, i.e. 23:40 minutes to 28:00 min.. Try to paste the text of the non DN! readings here at the bottom of the lesson, as links may change or disappear from web and texts may not be available indefinitely. What Democracy Now! resources will teachers refer to? Link to the video here (embed?) and any related videos and transcripts. Make sure to mention any words, concepts, people or events students should be familiar with.

Activity/Do Now:  Describe, in a step-by-step manner, the activity that students will perform to learn the subject matter and practice the skills involved. Include teacher instruction, suggestions for encouraging participation, and anything else teachers should have in mind.  

Worksheet: A worksheet is really useful too that makes it easier for teacher to give to students.

Vocabulary/Key Words with Definition:

Discussion –

Homework: For longer units.

Grading Rubric: Define criteria

Update: Include link to a DN! clip that is an update on a given news story that was used in the lesson.

Extension – Include here any information that may bolster the skills and knowledge learned in the lesson. This can include additional questions, links to related DN! videos and readings, or enrichment activities. Any extra materials related to this lesson that may either be used to expand it or for the teacher to get more informed should be placed here.  


Disclaimer: Democracy Now! does not endorse or recommend the use of Common Core Standards.  If interested, the standards may be found at

Basic Lesson Plan:
DN! Daily Lesson: give date and title
Grade Level:

Overview – Provide a synopsis of the lesson here. Introduce it in an entertaining or interesting way, preferably with essential questions. Then, beginning with “In this lesson…” explain the context, detail how it would interest students, give a short summary of the lesson’s contents, and describe the video clip/resource.

Objective/Goal– What is the purpose of this lesson? Begin with “Students will…” Eg, “Students will use historical evidence to make an argument for or against celebrating Columbus day.”

Materials  List the materials necessary for this lesson. I

Sources: links to readings or sites where educator can get more information in preparation of the lesson, or print out texts for students to read.  

Warm Up/Do Now – Describe how the lesson will begin. What will pique students’ interest? How will the teacher introduce the topic in an engaging way? Perhaps a short video clip will begin the lesson.  A brief reflection on the topic, ie. a few questions posed to get students thinking about the topic works too.

Reading and Viewing – (text available at end of lesson) Here paste link to video clip and/or reading.

Activity/Do Now:  Describe, in a step-by-step manner, the activity that students will perform to learn the subject matter and practice the skills involved. Include teacher instruction, suggestions for encouraging participation, and anything else teachers should have in mind.  

Vocabulary/Key Words with Definition:

Discussion –

Update: Include link to a DN! clip that is an update on a given news story that was used in the lesson.

Extension – Include here any information that may bolster the skills and knowledge learned in the lesson. This can include additional questions, links to related DN! videos and readings, or enrichment activities. Any extra materials related to this lesson that may either be used to expand it or for the teacher to get more informed should be placed here.  

Disclaimer: Democracy Now! does not endorse or recommend the use of Common Core Standards.  If interested, the standards may be found at

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