Saturday, November 2, 2013

Know Your Media! Blog How-To

How to post:

1.     Go to.
2.     Click “Sign in” on top right corner.
3.     You should be directed to a Google page. Type in the username (knowyourmedia) and password (we will provide it).
4.     On the blogger dashboard, click the orange pencil button to create a new post.
5.     Write a title in the “Post title” field. Unfortunately, Blogger does not allow you to upload Word docs, so copy and paste your document into the body of the post. You will likely lose much of the formatting, including indentation, paragraph breaks, bold lettering and bullets. You can re-format and edit before you post.
6.     You may want to include links to videos and other sources you use. This is a simple process: Click on Link on your toolbar and type in the website address you want to link to. You can change what the text says in the box "text to display". So for example, if I want to link the term "independent media" to the DN! website, I'd click on Link, type in "independent media" in the text to display and "democracy" in the web address.

You can also embed DN! videos in your post. For example: 

All you have to do to embed a DN! video is click on the little box that appears on the upper right hand corner labeled "Share". Copy the "embed code" into your blogpost and your video should appear when you hit publish.

Note: Most other sites that contain video clips have a share option with the embed code available. If you are using videos from other sources, just find the embed code and paste it into your blogpost to embed them. 
7.     Once the post looks ready, click “Preview” (to the right of the “Post title” field). Click “Publish” and your post will go live!

My post is up, but I want to edit it!

1.     Go to
2.     Sign in (see step 3 above).
3.     There are two ways to edit from the Blogger dashboard. Click “View blog” (to the right of the orange “post” button), scroll to your post and click the small pencil at the end of the post. From the dashboard, you can also click the button directly to the right of the orange “post” button (it looks like a piece of paper). Scroll to your post and select “Edit”, “Delete” or any other option.

How to comment:

1.     Go to You do not need to log in.
2.     Find the post you want to comment on. At the bottom it will say: “No comments,” “6 comments”, etc. Click that comment message.
3.     Enter your comment.
4.     In the “comment as” field, select “Name/URL” or log into any of the listed options. Not that if you select “Anonymous,” we will not be able to give you credit for your comment.
5.     Click “Preview” or, if the comment is ready, “Publish.”


  1. I tried to post my mid-term but it would not take.

  2. My name is Leo Hogan and my Google Gmail name is my Turkish name, Koylu Hasan. I am in the KNOW YOUR MEDIA CLASS AS FRANCIS LEO HOGAN.
