Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Democracy Now PD Final

Part I.
Choose a topic you would like to develop a lesson for related to your particular teaching discipline.  It could be a topic you already teach but want to design a new lesson plan for, or it could be a new topic you would like to integrate into your curriculum. Gather 3-5 articles, news stories, DN! clips, DN! transcripts media literacy ice breakers and class activities that you think could relate to the topic. Be prepared to present your lesson to the class and get feedback.  Make sure your lesson has the following:

• Who is the lesson’s target population and how does your lesson address this population’s specific needs?
• What is the lesson’s intention--what will it achieve?
• What are the specifics of the action--how it will achieve its intention?
• How will you assess that students “got it”?

Unit Title:                                   
Grade Level:                                   
Subject/Topic Area(s):                       
Designed by:                                   
Time Frame:                                   

Lesson Should have:
Materials Needed
Essential Questions
Do Now
Explicit Instruction
Active Engagement
Common Core Standards:
Democracy Now! Clips and/or transcripts

Part II.
Take note of the feedback you receive during class after your presentation. Make necessary changes to your lesson plan and upload lesson to our class blog.

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