Saturday, October 19, 2013

 Links to documents, photos and video clips for research
1. Invitation Letter to Protest the Keystone XL Pipeline

2. National Geographic Photo Essay of the Tar Sands (Preview)

5. Ethical Oil Commercial (Preview)

6. Canada’s Oil Sands: Come See for Yourself

7. Stop the Keystone XL Dirty Sands Pipeline by the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund: (Preview)

8. A Debate between American Petroleum Institute and Bold Nebraska: Should the U.S. Approve TransCanada’s Massive Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline?

9. Clip of Over 160 Arrested in Ongoing Civil Disobedience Against Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline and Interview with Bill McKibben of

10. Indigenous Environmental Network at the Protests in Washington

11. Naomi Klein speaking on Climate Change and the Tar Sands
Part 1: about Occupy Wall Street and introducing Naomi Klein 
12. Indigenous Activists from Canada Protest Tar Sands Oil at Durban Climate Change Summit

13. Naomi Klein on Environmental Victory: Obama Delays Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Decision Until 2013

14. Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline under GOP Deadline, but Opponents Prepare for Long-Term Fight: Interviews with Bill McKibben of and Jane Kleeb of Bold Nebraska

15.  CorrodingOur Democracy: Canada Silences Scientists, Targets Environmentalists in Tar Sands Push

Five years ago this month, the firm TransCanada submitted a permit request to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would bring tar sands oil from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The project...


16.  Protests Urge Obama to "Draw the Line" on Keystone XL

Protests were held around the country on Saturday in a national day of action against the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The group says it organized some 200 rallies in nearly 50 states under the...

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